Who We Are
In 2015, he was working as a digital marketing manager in a renowned company. And his family had a 30-year old business in cosmetics which was dealing with big as well as small cosmetic brands. The business was flourishing fine, and he was also growing well in his job. Everything was going perfectly well. But things changed one day.
He was once in a small family get-together before all preparations would start for his cousin’s wedding. And there opened the Pandora box. His cousin was really very worried as she has very sensitive skin, and she was so boggled about which cosmetics she should buy. After her, other relatives also started sharing their weird experiences.
His aunt even had to go for months-long skin treatments after using some local products. For any person, this is so destructive emotionally, physically and financially. On the other hand, the high-end products are of supreme quality, but are too heavy on the pocket.
While all were discussing their problems, their hopeful eyes struck him. His cousin suddenly said, “Your family is into the business of cosmetics. And you are so innovative. Why don’t you try to make something that’s safer yet affordable for everyone? There are so many people like us out there. Isn’t it?”
It was the magic moment. It was then he, Mr. Vishal Verma, decided to do something. He, along with his team, started with all the research work, which took him more than a year.
They were dazed to realize that the branded high-end products are of good quality, but usually too costly for belt-tightening consumers. And what’s presented to an ordinary consumer is not less than a daunting dream with poor quality which is unfriendly to the skin. Customers were always dicey for various things like:
- How can I trust the product?
- Will it be safe for my skin?
- What is the expiry date?
So, there was this continuous tussle for cosmetic users: to choose between affordability and quality. Even we all can relate to it as we all have dwindled in the same situation. Right? Finally, in 2015, they could create SSA products: Safe, Skin-friendly, and Affordable, and came out with their brand MI Fashion.
MI speaks for My Identity. It totally resonates with every fashion lover for their true identity. Since its emergence, MI Fashion is clear about its ideology of providing supreme, skin-friendly, and affordable products that would relate to M(y) I(dentity) Fashion.
To achieve their objective, they research well before every product is made. MI products are:
- 100% vegan
- Cruelty-free products
- Clear and transparent labelling
- Tested safe for skin by Indian makeup artists and fashion influencers.
- Labelling of manufacturing and expiry dates
Finally, we can say that MI Fashion is truly the brand that’s for fashion lovers. And you can use the products without any undue pressure on your mind, health, soul, and your pockets.
Yeyeye!!! You got what you were looking for

Shoot in Portrait
If you're creating video content for social media, it's important to keep in mind that portrait mode is becoming increasingly popular. While landscape mode used to be the standard for video content, more and more people are viewing content on their mobile devices, which are held vertically.
Collaboration Process to Follow
Read carefully and follow all these steps.
- Fill the form
- Profile will shortlisted (Our team will contact you after shortlisted)
- Product will dispatch in 1-2 days
- Product delivery 4-5 days
- Deliverables have to submit within a week.
*Product Code is mandatory to fill in the form.
- After receiving the product mention us on story within 1-2 days.
- Upload a post and tag us and upload story.
- Write a review on Google Profile (Take Screenshot)
- 2 Reel (1 Reel upload by you and tag us)
- Send your second reel + Post + Review Screenshot on this Mail Id: misocialcontent@gmail.com
Note:- Your content will feature on our social handles within 2 months, So keep patience!

1. It's a barter collaboration. So, you'll get MI Fashion's product in the exchange of your creative content.
2. Make a creative, engaging high quality content for more engagement.
3. Shoot your content with the Back Camera for better output (For Smartphones Users).
4. Deliverables have to deliver before the deadlines.
5. Product branding should clearly visible.
1. Don't shoot your content with front camera.
2. Company's Logo have to be shown in "MI" not in "IM".
3. Make sure that video don's have any kind of watermark.
Most Asked Questions
Q : Is this a paid collaboration?
A : No, this collaboration is a barter collaboration in which you'll get MI Fashion's Amazing products in the exchange of your creative content.
Q : How can we track our order??
A : We'll provide a URL, so you can easily track your order.
Q : How can we select the product?
A : We'll provide a product code with the collaboration invitation. Which is mandatory to fill in the form.
Q : Can we select the shades of the products?
A : No, Our team will pick the best selling products for you to make content on it.
Q : How do we get the products?
A : After getting the details of the creator, we'll dispatch the products. Estimate time to deliver the product is 4-5 days.
Q : How can we send our deliverables to you?
A : You can easily send your deliverables to us on this mail id "misocialcontent@gmail.com"
Q : What is the deadline to submit the deliverables?
A : Deadline is 1 week after receiving the products.

Note :-
*While editing your content make sure that there is no any kind of watermark in reel.
* Make sure that the logo of MI Fashion is in this form "MI".